lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2020

"English Language Challenges"

 Hello friends, I hope you had a great week. Today I am writing to tell you about "Challenges of the English language".

During university my experience with English, although it has been good, it has not been as complete, I think I still have a lot to learn to be able to fully develop in the language and have a good conversation in this language, and I believe myself that I can improve my level of English / skills by speaking more in English, because I read and listen to it, but I don't speak it much, because it is a bit difficult to find someone to practice with considering that everyone speaks Spanish.

I use my knowledge of English daily in my normal life in many ways, for example, when I listen to the words of many songs in English, I like to sing them and learn the lyrics, when I watch movies or series that have English dubbing, I also read some books , I do research or work in English when I want or need to know a specific subject to learn more or for a subject I need to study. I think that I could improve my learning even more by listening to more songs because it helps me with pronunciation, also watching movies in English but without subtitles, and trying to talk with someone in English so as not to be so scared. I also want to say that blogging in college helps me improve my spelling and it's fun to write about topics from my perspective. Well that's it for today, I hope you have a good start to the week, success in everything, bye.

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020


 Hello, I hope you are feeling very well today, I will tell you about some changes that I would like to make in my university.

One of the first things I would like to change is the length of time the courses last, because I feel that it is a long time, even more so when you fail a subject and they are annual because for a single subject you already lose a year and the debts are huge later. I would also like all the subjects to be semester so that people do not fall behind too much and I think there are subjects that are not at all important, and I wish they were rather an elective. Regarding the infrastructure, I think it is quite good, but I wish there were more green spaces, I feel that our faculty is surrounded by a lot of cement, I would like to see more trees or flowers. I also think that ceilings should be fixed because when it rains in some rooms droplets of water fall. In the use of technology it does not make changes because everything seems to me to be quite good, but in the study methods I would like them to be able to teach the subject more related to science, that is to say that they use examples or problems related to what we will see in the real world, because it draws more the student's attention in my opinion. You agree with me? 

Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Sciences University of Chile

See you in the next post, good bye!

"English Language Challenges"

 Hello friends, I hope you had a great week. Today I am writing to tell you about "Challenges of the English language". During uni...